New Open
日本発!KOMBUCHA BREWERY AND TAP ROOM (コンブチャ ブルワリー アンド タップルーム)
『TUNE BREW KOMBUCHA Brewery and Tap Room』が2017年10月25日にオープン
TUNE BREW KOMBUCHA is a Creative drink.
”TUNE" means to tune yourself, creating a new kind body through KOMBUCHA’s collection of health benefits. The ultimate feeling is when your mind and body are in Sync. Balancing the two is crucial for idea creation and excellent performance. KOMBUCHA is an effective drink that will make you feel physically healthy and mentally healthy.
TUNE BREW KOMBUCHA is always up to something new. Our brewers are always in pursuit of chasing their dreams, which is to produce healthy products using only the purest ingredients like organic and raw KOMBUCHA.